Friday, April 9, 2010

Tiger baiting is passe, hopefully!

He is back doing what he's best at, playing golf. Swinging and putting where it matters. After the moral marauding by Tom, Dick, Harry, Jane, Jenny.... just about everyone who could post a verbal punch on his face, Tiger appears a rather mortified man. What wife Elin Nordegren's golf-club-wielding cum window-smashing act of rage couldn't accomplish, moral stoning by the media coupled with snuffing out of endorsement deals, achieved in a jiffy. A global public apology by the fallen man himself! ''I had affairs. I cheated.What I did was unacceptable.'' Yes, he said this and more on TV to his fans in the furthest corners of the planet earth. Wow!
So, Tiger admitted what he did was ''unacceptable,'' just wonder to whom were his sexcapades "unacceptable." The women who were over-eager to get all comfy in the celeb celestial bed? The general public who want their icons to be sticklers (or appear to be so) for the popular version of morality? The media which makes hay while a scandal lasts? Wife Elin whose trust he broke?
No apologies to the women who were concentual partners in the dalliance. The knew it was Tiger Woods they were cavorting with and perhaps wanted to enjoy the attention, of the highest earning sports star in the world, as long as they could hold it.
No sorry to the general public. His fame rests on his prowess as a golfer. On that account he has failed niether his country nor his fans outside America. He has not compromised his abilities as a golfer on any known account. As a citizen of the United States he has committed no offence for which the law of the land holds him guilty.
The media? Well, they should throw the beleaguered Tiger a party! O! Yes! A grand one! All that moral blathering and righteous indignation must have saved a lot of brain rattling over space and time filling exercises.
To Elin, yes. Tiger should say it from the heart to the woman he promised to 'love, honour, cherish and protect, forsaking all others and holding only unto her.' He broke the promise over and over again with ruthless impunity. Elin and Elin alone is the victim of Tiger's sexual trangressions and it up to her to pardon him.
The public apology, under duress, is no assurance of Tiger turning over a new leaf. "It is a matter between Elin and me, issues between a husband a wife." Let it be such. All the moral ringmasters should drop the whip. Let Elin decide whether Tiger is to be ever trusted again. Whether he will keep his promise out of love and respect for her or for fear of moral castigation by the public. As a woman I know Elin must wish for the former because that is the only gurantee against a repeat performance of the sorts.
At the moment, however, it is ace golfer Tiger Woods whom I welcome back on field under the very watchful eyes of Elin Nordegren.